In 2022, Prof. Xiaomu Wang and Prof. Yi Shi from Nanjing University published an article in Nature Communications titled "Quantum Criticality of Excitonic Mott Metal-Insulator Transitions in Black Phosphorus." The article reports on the spectroscopy and transport phenomena of excitonic Mott metal-insulator transitions in black phosphorus.
In 2023, a team of researcher Ma Xiuliang and researcher Zhu Yinlian at the Institute of Metals, Chinese Academy of Sciences, published an article in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces titled "Achieving High-Temperature Multiferroism by Atomic Architecture", reporting a single-phase multiferroic material coupling high-temperature magnetism with voltage-switchable ferroelectricity.
Recently, Prof. Luo Yunhan and Prof. Chen Yaofei from School of Science and Technology, Jinan University published a paper titled "Nanodiamond-Based Optical-Fiber Quantum Probe for Magnetic Field and Biological Sensing" in ACS Sensors, an authoritative international chemistry journal.
In 2022, a team of researcher Jun Li from Shanghai University of Science and Technology published an article in Research Square titled "Nonreciprocal Charge Transport in Topological Kagome Superconductor CsV3Sb5", reporting the superconducting CsV3Sb5 sheet in which strong nonreciprocal transport phenomena are reported.
In 2022, the research team led by Professor Jiang Tian from the National University of Defense Technology, in collaboration with Professor Shi Lei's team from Fudan University, published an article titled "Interacting Plexcitons for Designed Ultrafast Optical Nonlinearity in a Mono" in RLight: Science & Applications.
In 2021, academician Guo Guangcan's team at the University of Science and Technology of China & Key Laboratory of Quantum Information, Chinese Academy of Sciences (KLQIS) published an article in Review of scientific instruments titled "A robust fiber-based quantum thermometer coupled with nitrogen-vacancy centers", reporting a quantum temperature sensor based on nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond.
In the chemical power supply, rarely used by a single material manufactured plate electrode (or called the whole electrode), and most of the powder porous electrode.
Corrosion of steel is strongly influenced by the environment, and corrosion under moist atmospheres and other humid gases is the most common corrosion phenomenon. In addition, since steel is the most commonly used metal in the manufacture of industrial equipment, the corrosive environment of industrial electrolytes and gases is even more hostile.
The experiment was divided into four parts: pretreatment of the specimens, electrodeposition of Zn-Ni alloy coating, corrosion of the specimens observed by metallurgical microscope, and Tafel curve test of the specimens in NaCl.
The precipitation of hydrogen is the most common reaction in the aqueous solution system, is the basic reaction of electrolysis of water, but also the secondary battery charging process, electroplating process is often accompanied by side reactions, therefore, is a common and important reaction in the electrochemical system.