Input Channel
With the low-noise analog pre-amplifier, the signal input of OE1022 can be switched to operate in the single-ended or differential voltage mode, and the input noise is 5 nV/√Hz. The input impedance is 10 MΩ and the full-scale input voltage sensitivity ranges from 1 nV to 1V. Besides, OE1022 can also be used for current measurements with variable current gains of 10^6 or 10^8 V/A. Two line filters (50/60 Hz and 100/120 Hz) are designed to eliminate line related interference. The programmable gain amplifier is provided to adjust the dynamic reserve of the system according to the magnitude of the input signal, so that OE1022 has inherently large dynamic reserve up to 100dB. The sampling rate of 312.5KSPS is determined by a precision 24-bit A/D converter and a specific filter is designed to avoid aliasing.
Reference Channel
In order to provide the reference signal for OE1022, an externally applied sine wave or square wave, or its owninternally synthesized reference source could be used. When the instrument is set to internal reference mode, the internal precision stabilized oscillator and the digital synthesized algorithm are used to generate sinewave output that multiplies the input signal, there is virtually no reference phase noise when choosing internal reference mode. Taking advantage of digital phase-shifting technique, the reference signal phase could be adjusted with 0.01° resolution. The internal reference mode can operate at a fixed frequency from 1 mHz to 100 kHz. In addition, the external reference is also applicable to OE1022, including the sinewave reference signal and TTL logic reference signal. The rising and trailing edge of external reference signal are applied to trigger off the internal Phase Locking Loop (PLL). Based on the frequency of reference signal, harmonic detection can be performed by OE1022. The maximum frequency of the measurable harmonics is 32767 times of basic frequency, and it is also less than the maximum operational frequency 100 kHz.
OE1022 uses the 5.6 inch 640×480 TFT color display as its screen. Data measured by OE1022, such as, X, Y, R, θ, is stored in up to four traces. Trace values can be displayed as a bar graph or as a strip chart showing the trace values as a function of time.
Besides, OE1022 can display polar plots, showing phasor composed by in-phase and quadrature components of the signal. All displays can be easily scaled by the manual operation, and the auto-scale feature is available to optimize display quickly. The screen can be configured as a single large display, or two horizontally-split displays.
Simultaneous Multiple-harmonic Measurement
The traditional phase-locked amplifier can only measure fundamental frequency signal or one certain harmonic ware at the same time, so it can not meet the requirement in some occasions when measuring multiple frequency components simultaneously is needed. In digital end, OE1022 combined FPGA and ARM technology, which has wider processing bandwidth and more flexible digital framework. The digital processing precision could reach 48 bits and could measure 3-channal harmonic components simultaneously, which makes one OE1022 is equal to three traditional phase-locked amplifiers.
Remote Operation
The built-in RS232 to USB interfaces on OE1022 allow full manual operation from a controlling computer, including setting or interrogating control and reading out data. Free LabVIEW program is provided. It makes it easy to set up and run complex experiments, such as remote control of every instrument function. The display menu offered by the LabVIEW program allows customers observe all command received and responses generated by instrument.
Signal Channel
Voltage Input Mode Single-ended or Differential
Full-scale Sensitivity 1 nV to 1 V in a 1-2-5 sequence
1 fA to 1 µA
Current input 10e6 or 10e8 V/A
Voltage 10 MΩ
Current 1 kΩ to virtual ground
C.M.R.R >100 dB to 10 kHz, decreasing
Dynamic reserve >120 dB
Gain accuracy 0.2% typ, 1% max
Voltage Noise 5 nV/√Hz at 997 Hz
Current Noise 5 fA/√Hz at 97 Hz
13 fA/√Hz at 997 Hz
Line filters 50/60 Hz and 100/120 Hz
Gounding BNC shield can be grounded or floated via 10 kΩ to ground
Reference Channel
Frequency range 1 mHz to 102 kHz
Reference input TTL or Sine
Input impedance 1 MΩ
Square reference level VIH>3V, VIL<0.5V
Sine reference signal >1 Hz
> 400 mVpp
Resolution 0.001°
Absolute phase error <1°
Relative phase error <1 mdeg
Phase noise Internal ref. Synthesized, <0.0001 deg at1 kHz
External ref. 0.001 deg at 1 kHz (100 ms time constant, 12 dB/oct)
Drift <0.01 deg/℃ below 10 kHz
<0.1 deg/℃ above 10 kHz
Harmonic detection 2F, 3F, …nF to 102 kHz (n<32,767)
Acquisition time Internal Ref. Instantaneous acquisition
External Ref. (2 cycles + 5 ms) or 40 ms,whichever is larger
Number of demodulators 3
Digital outputs no zero drift on all setting
Display no zero drift on all setting
Analog outputs <5 ppm/℃ for all dynamic reserve settings
Harmonic rejection -90 dB
Time constants 10 µs to 3 ks (<200 Hz)
10 µs to 30 s (>200 Hz)
Synchronous filters Available below 200 Hz(18, 24 dB/oct rolloff)
Internal Oscillator
Frequency Range 1mHz to 102kHz
Accuracy 2 ppm + 10 µHz
Resolution 1 mHz
Disrortion -80 dBc (f<10 kHz),-70 dBc (f>10 kHz)
Amplitude 0.001Vrms to 5 Vrms ( Resolution:1 mVrms)
Accuracy 1%
Stability 50 ppm/℃
Sine Outputs Sine signal,output impedance 50 Ω
TTL Outputs 5V TTL/CMOS level,output impedance 200Ω
Screen 5.6inch, 640 X 480 TFT
Screen format Single or dual display
Display quantities Each display shows one trace,
traces can be defined as X,Y,R,θ
Display types Numerical form, bar graph, polar plot and strip chart
AUX Inputs and Outputs
CH1 and CH2 Outputs
Function Output X, Y, R, θ
Output Voltage ±10 V full scale.
30 mA max output current
Update Rate 312.5kHz
AUX Inputs
Function 4 Channel Inputs
Amplitude ±10 V,1 mV resolution ratio
Impedance 1 MΩ
AUX Outputs
Function 4 Channel Outputs
Amplitude ±10 V,1 mV resolution ratio
Drive current ±25mA max
Trigger Input
Function TTL external trigger is used for data storage
Monitor Output
Function Analog output of a signal-amplifier
Drive current ±40mA max
RS-232 to USB interface
IEEE-488 interface(optional)
Power requirements
Voltage 220~240 V AC
100~120 VAC(optional)
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Power 30 W
Power supply rejection 70dB@1MHz
Weight 11 KG
Width 448 mm
Depth 513 mm
With feet 148 mm
Scanning Microscope AFM, STM, SPM
Materials Science Carrier mobility, Carrier density, Hall effect, Ultrasonic materials
Transport Measurement Conductivity measurement, Impedance measurement
Noise Represents Noise density, Cross-correlation measurement
Optical Experiment Spectral analysis, Spectral measurement, THz measurement, TDLAS
Sensor Measuring Gyroscope, Photoelectric sensor, Resonator, Accelerometer
Magnetic Sensor SQUIDs, NV color center, Atomic Magnetometer, VSM
Biomedical Microfluidic
Chinese Interface
English Interface