1-CH Lock-in Amplifier
DC to 400MHz frequency
25ns to 30ks time constants
Up to 8 demodulators
3nV/√Hz input noise
2-CH Lock-in Amplifier
DC to 400MHz frequency
2 independent lock-in units
Up to 8 demodulators
3nV/√Hz input noise
Module Lock-in Amplifier
DC to 100/500 kHz
5nV/√Hz  input noise
Up to 8 demodulators
>130 dB dynamic reserve
Optical Chopper
1 Hz-10 kHz chopping frequencies
Various types of blade options
High-precision phase-locked loop
TTL/CMOS level input & output
Source Meter Unit
0.012% basic measure accuracy
Resolution (I/V): 4 fA/ 8 nV
I-ranges: 10nA-1A
V-ranges: 20mV-200V
Electrochemical workstation
Bandwidth: 0.1Hz-1MHz
Max current: ±300mA
Max voltage: ±10V
Measurement accuracy: <0.5%
DC to 100MHz frequency
2nV/√Hz voltage noise
60fA/√Hz current noise
Current/voltage optional
OE4201 Current Source
Voltage to Current
1 Hz-100 kHz frequency
Gain: 2mA/V, 200mA/V
Input range: 5mV-0.5V
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